Gyulnara Karaeva

Gyulnara Karaeva is world champion athlete, world-class performer and a first class individual. By the age of 20, Gyulnara had garnered a lifetime of accomplishments that included earning Master of Sport International Class in Sports Acrobatics; becoming a twice decorated Gold Medalist in World and European championships.

In Moscow, Russia, Gyulnara joined a circus company and, with the skills gathered over the years of tremendous dedication and devotion to being an athlete, she developed a new genre of contortion in the bowl filled with 600 gallons of water. Gyulnara traveled the world with the top circus companies and festivals before being invited to Las Vegas to be the youngest cast member in Cirque du Soleil’s production ZUMANITY. Gyulnara’s aquatic beauty has captured the acclaim of audiences and press world wide, including TIME magazine, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Patric Sebastien in Paris and was featured in the 3D film “Cirque Du Soleil – Worlds Away”, produced by James Cameron and written and directed by Andrew Adamson. While performing more than 8000 shows over the years Gyulnara developed a deeper curiosity for inner exploration which led her transform her life from the Las Vegas stage to a more intimate journey within.

She began traveling in South and Central America to participate in numerous plant medicine ceremonies, working and learning with some of the most recognized spiritual leaders and ultimately moving to Costa Rica for several years to study Meditation, Yoga and Clarity Breathwork. Gyulnara is now residing in Los Angeles sharing her knowledge in fitness, yoga, meditation and breathwork.